Escape Room Helsinki
Escape Room Helsinki, kolme toimipistettä aivan keskustassa. Kaisaniemenkadulla, Fredrikinkadulla ja Korkeavuorenkadulla.
What is the game about?
Escape Room Helsinki is a real life escape room adventure right in the centre of Helsinki. You are locked into a room together with a group of friends, family members or work mates and you have 60 minutes to get out. To succeed, you need to solve riddles, puzzles and mysteries, working together as a team. Everybody can do it! No physical force is needed, just observation skills and creative thinking. Look forward to an hour of intense excitement and lots of insights!
How do you play?
1) Get your group together and book a time on our web page
2) Come to our locations in the middle of Helsinki: Korkeavuorenkatu 41, 2d floor (games Archipelago and Dinner Party), and Fredrikinkatu 34, first floor (games Smuggler Monk and Royal Secret).
3) You are given a short briefing about how to play the game.
4) You are taken to the game room, and the door closes.
5) You are presented with your mission. The clock starts ticking.
6) During the game, you can ask for hints. A game master is following your game via CCTV and gives some extra clues when needed.
7) After 60 minutes, the game ends – unless you've solved your mission before that!
8) We'll take a photo of you to have as a memory of this event (if you want to)!
9) We say good-bye, see you at the next game!
Is it difficult?
This is such fun that you'll forget the rest of the world for a full hour.
Approximately 50% of the teams make it and get out during the allotted time. You don't need your intellect as much as your common sense, your observation skills and cooperation.
The tasks are surprising – this is something you cannot prepare yourself for, just swing it as it comes!
No physical strength is needed.
Is it scary?
You'll be totally safe. There is nothing emotionally or physically upsetting in the game.
Anyone who wishes can be let out of the room at any time (although this means that the game ends prematurely). Our staff is following your progress through the game, making sure everything is fine.
What should I wear?
Wear exactly what you want. We don't recommend heels that are over 3 inches, eye-covering fiesta masks or bulky bridal outfits. But no problem, you'll manage.
Check the price list by clicking on this link. Prices
When is the next available time?
Find the available time slots by clicking on this link. Available times
At Fredrikinkatu34 and Kaisaniemenkatu 1, groups up to 24 people can come and play at the same time. Korkeavuorenkatu 41 takes a maximum of 12.
To book many game rooms at the same time:
Click on the game you want, open the game's calendar by clicking Book and make sure to select 2 game rooms. If you need to book another game, proceed by using the Save and Continue button. When you've reserved the game rooms you need, click Save and Go To Check-Out. Have your bank codes or credit card ready, the payment is made straight away at the end to confirm your booking. Read more here How to book.
For big groups, it is also possible to arrange playing times outside the calendar.
If you representing an organization, read this: Lock Up your Team!
What's the recommended number of players?
The room is planned for up to 6 persons. With a team of only two you might find it hard to get through the game within the time frame, although it's possible. 4-5 persons have the best game experience.
In a Race Escape game, teams of 2-6 players race against 1-3 other teams of similar size. If you book all four race game rooms, two teams play Smuggler Monk and the other two play Royal Secret. The best team of two gets the treasure and the fastest team of four becomes the escape champion!
Is there an age limit?
We recommend the game for players between 10 and 100 years of age. At least one player needs to be over 16.
Stadissa tarjoaa vinkkejä vapaa-aikaan ja tapahtumatarjontaa vuoden ympäri.
Voit vinkata mukaan tapahtuman tai uutisen kotikulmiltasi.
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